Saturday, December 19, 2009

Anticipating Great Things . . .

This is the beginning of a wonderful new phase of life for the two of us. We've known for some time (about 15 years) that God was moving us in a different direction. It was only about 3 years ago that we began to sense what direction that movement might be.

We invite you to prayerfully make this journey with us. Regardless of how bleak or godless the world might seems, we are convinced that the remnant is still passionate about their Savior and desire for others to know Him. In Ducklington, Oxfordshire, there is a small, but very dedicated, group of believers who are stepping out in faith by inviting us to join them in their ministry. We are humbled to have been asked to spend January thru July 2010 walking beside them in ministry.

We are scheduled to leave Abilene on January 14 and Dennis will preach his first sermon on January 17. Thank you for your prayers. We will update you as often as possible and look forward to sharing the activities of our Lord in the lives of the British people as well as in our own hearts.

Blessing await us all . . .